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Monday, 13 April 2020

Why create a wireframe for your site

Creating a wireframe for your website or e-commerce allows for a more targeted, effective and precise design

To optimally design a website or e-commerce, it is necessary to better plan its structure and organization of contents through a particular tool called wireframe . This is a technical term that is not very well known, but which refers to a step that is crucial for the success of an online project, in terms of usability but not only.

What is a wireframe and what is it for?

Creating a website or e-commerce from scratch , that is, without a scheme that prefigures its development, is a very wrong operation because it lends its side to unwelcome surprises and errors, as well as to unexpected and often huge expenses.

The term "wireframe" refers to an illustrated scheme which, using different and simplified forms, shows the contents (from text to images) and the functional and navigation elements present within the project.

The wireframe differs from the similar mockup in that the former is a sort of skeleton that identifies the position of the various elements in a schematic way while the latter consists of the model of how the project should be and present itself.

Generally, a wireframe is divided into two parts :

1.       The first represents the structure of the site or e-commerce and its contents
2.       In the second, the notes on the various sections and functions are inserted
Thanks to this schematic illustration, it is possible to have a general idea of ​​the future organization of the site or e-commerce, to understand promptly in which direction the project is developing and to evaluate and approve any changes during the various phases. In particular, the creation of a wireframe allows to focus attention on the architecture of the project , in terms of structure and organization of the contents, but also on its usability and user-side navigability.

One of the main objectives of a wireframe is in fact to understand how the information of the site or e-commerce will be presented to users who visit the site. Another important aim is to establish the importance and priority of the various elements that make up the project. A wireframe also aims to understand what type of features and functionality the site will have.

That's not all: thanks to a wireframe it is also possible to intervene on an old project left in standby and which needs improvement. Resuming its wireframe and using it as a reference gives the possibility to update the site having a clear understanding of where and how to operate.

How to create a wireframe

In practical terms, a wireframe is a document that can be created in various ways . The most immediate one only needs a pencil and a sheet of paper.

Those looking for more elaborate solutions, however, can resort to the help of tools such as Powepoint, Illustrator or Photoshop or use one of the many sophisticated online software. A wireframe can also be made navigable through HTML.

On the web there are several software for creating wireframes for free, some of which without plugins to install, with projects that can be linked or exported in different formats (such as PNG and PDF).
On a practical level, a wireframe must contain, first of all, the description of the main interfaces of the first and second level of the project. The degree of further development is linked to time, the complexity of navigating the site or e-commerce and the importance of the web page.
It is very useful to color the site's wireframe or e-commerce in grayscale , so as to immediately highlight the visual impact of the single element within the project.

In light of what has been said so far, it is necessary to reiterate that those who are thinking of creating a website or an e-commerce for your business must keep in mind the importance of creating a wireframe first, i.e. the skeleton that holds and holds the whole project together.

Why create a wireframe for your site

Creating a wireframe for your website or e-commerce allows for a more targeted, effective and precise website design Services.


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