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Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Do you want to calculate the value of a Guest Post? Here's how to do it!

Are you curious to know the value of a Guest Post  ?

Are you a professional who wants to carry out link building campaigns  or do you want to sell spaces to monetize your blog ?

This calculator will allow you to make an estimate of the economic value of a Guest Post  published on a specific website, calculated on the basis of the metrics indicated by the most popular SEO tools on the market:

MOZ Open Site Explorer
Majestic SEO

You can use this calculator to estimate the price of the guest posts you sell or buy.

In both cases, the possibility of applying the same algorithm  and the same weights in the calculation of the economic value must be positively evaluated  , thus making the estimated values ​​comparable and in some way consistent.

This calculation tool is not perfect and does not want to be an absolute value.

The aim is exclusively to indicate one of the multiple possible methods of calculation: it is important, however, to underline that the real economic value of a Guest Post can be significantly different based on any subjective evaluations, for topics related to specific niches or for the publication on newspapers of national importance.

Read Also - SEO services

What is the WordPress Admin Area?

For  Admin Area  means the administration environment of a web site WordPress .

Normally you access the administration area by visiting the wp-admin directory in the web browser.

For security reasons, webmasters often change the name of the directory to prevent hackers or attackers from using it.

The fastest way to make this change is through the use of a plugin (typically security plugins allow this).

Example -

The workspaces of the administration panel
The Admin Area is the administrative center of a WordPress installation.

A user with an administrator profile has full access to all sections within the administrative area.

Users with other roles, such as editors , contributors , or authors, have limited access to administration.

Some types of users, such as users with the subscriber role only have access to their profile.

The upper area of ​​the admin area
At the top of each administration screen is the toolbar (also called the administration bar). It provides immediate access to various administrative functions.

The left side of the admin area
On the left side there is the main navigation area which provides access to most WordPress management tools.

Each section of the main area can contain a pop-up submenu, which contains additional options.

The center of the admin area
The area in the center of the window is called the work area. In this area you can write, edit and delete articles or pages, or you can use it to adjust settings.

The lower area of ​​the admin area
The so-called footer is displayed at the bottom of the Admin Area .

The footer contains a link to the official WordPress site and the currently installed WordPress version number is displayed on the right side.

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